My experience at Seva Cafe as a Volunteer

Posted by Shrikrishna on Oct 28, 2015

[Originally Posted by Shrikrishna]

This is my personal views for the word Seva in my own term:

Seva is surrender, attitude of giving, without expecting any returns out of It, spreading love, energy, compassion, attitude of sharing, caring, helping, and making this world more beautiful. Motive of Seva Café is to multiply the effect and refine the thought process.

There is a difference between giving and helping. While helping someone if you look into their eyes they feel guilty and that is why it is said that you must not look into their eyes. But while you are giving it is a motherly emotion, where it is total surrender with love, compassion, positive energy, multiplication.

There is a return expectation while attending marriage, birthday like functions. Even in the closed bonds, when you are spending time in helping them for a few days or weeks, there is expectation in return.

I, me, mine…when it ends is Seva and developing such attitude takes time, needs lot of mindful proactive and meditation. The progress is slow. It is a spiritual progress, is music of true health and happy life.

It was really good to see most loving young generation participants especially more females. Women are mothers and the divine energy - Shakti Rupa.

There’s always scope of improvement on lessons learned and apply learnings in next event for the positive. Do not take it otherwise, just analyze in depth for your own self, for your own progress - what was my real intention (friends gathering, business development, taking a break from regular home life and so on). I don’t think there is any right or wrong.

In fact, everyone or all together should work for individuals’ development, any sort of help, improvements, attachments, and improve bonding but the end result approach should be developing pure giving without any expectation in return.

Here’s to people who get back up more times than they are knocked down, who give more than they ever expect to receive, who still show love to others, even when their own heart is broken who smile through the sad times, who light the way for others, who spread laughter and joy. Thank you for making the world a better place.

Posted by Shrikrishna on Oct 28, 2015 | permalink

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