Prayer: Rig Veda Verse

Here is a prayer from the Rig Veda that many of us have come to love from our retreats. It is a call for all to assemble together, speak together and for all minds to be in harmony.

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1. Sangachhadhwam samvadadhwam samvo manaansi jaanataam. 
Devaa bhaagam yathaa poorve sam janaanaa upaasate. 

May we march forward with a common goal. May we be open-minded and work together in harmony. May we share our thoughts for integrated wisdom. May we follow the example of our ancestors who achieved higher goals by virtue of being united. 

2. Samaano mantrah samiti samaanee, samaanam manah sah chittam-eshaam. samaanam mantram abhimantraye vah, samaanena vo havishaa juhomi. 

May our prayers be one. May we belong to one brotherhood. May our hearts and minds move toward one supreme goal. May we be inspired by common ideals. 

3. Samaanee va aakootih samaanaa hridayaani vah. 
samaanamastu vo mano yathaa vah susahaasati. 

May our aspirations be harmonious. May our minds be in unison. May we strive to reduce disparity. May we be bound in strong fellowship and unity.

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