Full circle

Posted by Madhusudan on Dec 8, 2011

10 years ago, among a small circle of friends on a wednesday evening is where my journey to life of service started. Harshida Aunty and Dinesh Uncle also lovingly called as Charity Focus Mom & Dad hosted these evenings. Now they have been doing this for more than 14 years, keeping their hearts and doors open. Every week in their home in California, random friends and strangers would walk in and sit for an hour of silence followed by circle of sharing and then dinner in silence. As I sat in that circle I felt my heart opening up and deep down I knew I was not the same person. I felt I founded an extended family and it felt like arriving home. Deeply inspired and to share it forward, me and my wife decided to host wednesday evenings, when we returned to India. Every wednesday would be magical and a pure gift to ourselves and community we belonged. So last wednesday it really felt life came full circle when Uncle and Aunty attended the meditation in our home in Ahmedabad. When I asked them ” How it felt to open their house for 14 years for strangers and making food for thousands of people?” with a smile they replied “It’s a blessing to have this opportunity to serve”

Life truly is blessed with such noble friends.

Posted by Madhusudan on Dec 8, 2011 | permalink

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