The Gift Of Small

Posted by Parth J Dave on Apr 22, 2018

When 30 participants from across the world walked into Sughad, little did we know how we would co-create a space of abundant love.

On Day 1, Meghna Di and Jignasha Di began with a circle of sharing stories of small ripples that have moved us. It was so beautiful to see each one feel moved even while sharing their stories.

Seema couldn't stop feeling grateful for her mother who has served her meals for the past 24 years. Now, when it's her time to cook away from home, she realized that her mother has spent almost 2 full years cooking with love for her. Just after listening to this, Khyati teared up in gratitude for her mother as well. She was falling short of words to express her heart. Ranjeet shared about the little joy he finds in inviting friends over and offering meals cooked by himself. We also had 2 mother daughter participants this retreat - Kusum ji (mother of Bhumika) and Dipti ji (mother of Khyati). It was humbling to see the love and trust that these mothers held towards their daughters.

Varsha shared a touching story of offering her presence to an old lady in a cancer hospital during a clowning activity. Varsha was moved by her tears of compassion while seeing children as young as 3 months suffer with pain. Shobhali expressed her journey of gratitude for food. It started with being grateful for the transport that brings food to her city, and then even being grateful for all the resources and people who set up this transport system in the first place! Nitesh shared a vivid childhood incident of a small kid at a cycle repair shop finding God in the metal platform used for mending tyres. Deepti and Nupur exclaimed at moments of kindness and Grace that they witnessed in their journeys, while Neha shared a heart touching story of a boy who showed her unconditional love.
These and many more such stories that emerged from this circle were incredibly inspiring and yet it gave a peek into each one’s lives as the thread of conversations seemed to be so interconnected. There is indeed so much we can be grateful for.

The evening of inspiration at Seva Cafe was a moment to remember. Shobhali, Seema and Nitesh shared the highlights of their journeys and how that shifted a little part of them as they moved on. While the night of inspiration kept going strong with stories and some soulful music by Devesh, Catherine and Bhumika, - Amita - one of the participant, was so moved to express, that she sang not 1, not 2, but 4 impromptu songs for all of us! It was truly a 'Wild Card' entry which nobody had anticipated.

Day 2 - On our hands day, Devendra bhai inspired everyone so much that all of us truly performed our tasks as a labor of love and service. Some of us learnt broom making, while some others helped in cleaning the Sughad campus. Another group did an awesome cleansing of the quiet lane that leads to ESI. One group in particular even experienced rag picking. Ewa shared stories of how the women in Paryavaran Mitra do these for hours at a stretch and yet this was a job least known and revered.

One of the most beautiful highlights of the day were the Heart Circles. Everyone was divided in smaller groups in order to share anything that came in their heart. With the intention, can we listen deeply without judgments, without advices, without interruptions, without debates. Each circle was no short of a power pact experience. Some of us shared things that were never shared with anyone in our lives so far. It was wonderful to see participants holding a space of acceptance and trust for each other. Deep stories of vulnerability came about in a sacred and trusted space of listening.

During one of the sharing circles, a participant Niti who was keeping to herself all this while, simply bowled us all by saying, "I like you all". Maybe that's the essence of our retreats. No agenda, no plan, but just an effortless field of love.

Day 3 - The energy in the space was palpable as the day of the heart emerged. The sharings were unending, while the silences seemed even more powerful. How can love be “experienced so unconditionally” seemed like a common expression on most faces! Monika shared how she questioned what would happen when she would get back into her ‘real’ world. Soon an answer emerged for her, “I can continue to be myself even then, as I am now”.
The retreat concluded with the expression of gratitude, with three steps and a bow. The smiles, the tears, the hugs, the questions, the answers, the joy and all the emotions that lay bare, were tagged out in the open. As were the Smile cards that all the participants were tagged with :)

The space was so lovely and nurturing that not just participants, but even the volunteers were tagged with anonymous gifts!

Truly, what a retreat it was!

To celebrate the spacious in the small, the abundant in the little and Maitri in smiles.

For more photos from the retreat, click here :)

Posted by Parth J Dave on Apr 22, 2018 | permalink

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Previous Comments
  • Varsha soni wrote ...

    I read somewhere that ‘sharing is caring’ and sughad is the space one of them. Each and every person is so caring and I truly moved by each and everyone’s love.And thank you so much parth for this sharing.❣️

  • Jaideep Jagadeeshwar Rao wrote ...

    so beautifully put together, Parth :) thank you for sharing- felt as if I was part of this wonderful gang :)

  • khushmita Sanghvi wrote ...

    Beautiful sharing Parth :) can feel the love and smiles in the space :)

  • Priyanka Jain wrote ...

    It just felt that I attended the retreat again after so many months. THANK YOU for sharing with all your heart! :)
    It's a blessing to be a part of such a space that weaves love like this!!

  • Lalit Girase wrote ...

    What a ganggg! It would definitely a wonderful experience one would love to have. Anyone could lose all his depression here. Really #movedbylove :)

  • Cletus wrote ...

    Thank you Parth for sharing these wonderful experiences, truly a retreat!