21-Day KarunaVirus Challenge (in Hindi!)
Posted by Archana Parsai on Apr 14, 2020
Inspired by KindSpring and KarunaVirus, we started a #CoVIT21 challenge -- Compassion Virus Inner Transformation of 21 days :)) -- on Facebook and WhatsApp groups, which ended today.
We selected 5 acts from each - Kindness, Reverence, Gratitude and Mindfulness and created beautiful posters for each of them - 21 Days Posters
The prompts were:
- Practice wishing well for others
- Thank you note for 3 public servant
- Do something you have been putting off
- See strength in weaknesses
- Listen to an elder’s story
- Spend time in stillness and silence.
- Have a mindful meal .
- Make space for forgiveness
- Pay attention to your off moments
- Practice digital mindfulness
- What inconveniences are you grateful for
- What is the best mistake you ever made
- List 5 historical characters name and reason why you are grateful for
- Write a gratitude note to your immediate family members (Mother/ Father, spouse, brother/Sister, children) listing 3 things you admire and grateful for
- What is your most precious memory
- Reconnect/Call at least 3 old pals and appreciate them for the good things they have done in your life
- Share some inspiring story, video, film with your friends writing a note on how it has impacted you
- Give up complaining for a day
- Make an artwork with your hands
- Call someone and listen to them with your full heart.
You can see all the other videos, and images on our FB group. For instance, here is a photo from Day 19 ("Make Something with your Hands"):

It was so touching to see people’s responses. Even while locked inside the house, they felt that they could do a lot many things to spread more Karuna and compassion. We will start another circle from tomorrow. :)
(Also, our Laddership Circle started yesterday and I feel so blessed to be part of that!)
Posted by Archana Parsai on Apr 14, 2020 | permalink
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Meghna Banker wrote ...
Ditto to what Rohit shared!! Great to see the ripples flowing through you so effortlessly!
Ashima wrote ...
364 participants (+ you)! One for each day of the year :-) This is wonderful!
Lu Esteves wrote ...
Wonderful 💜 and congratulations
When a new program?
Rohit Rajgarhia wrote ...
Wow this is super amazing. :) :)