Below is a partial list of participants and change-makers who'll be joining and helping co-create a sacred field of emergence! Please note that asterik indicates that guest is still confirming -- and we'll be updating this list with more attendees shortly!
Aniruddha Bansod
Founder, Cause to Connect
Founder, Mahiti
Saee Bapat
Social Entrepreneur
Cristina Romelli
Co-Founder, Interlude Rwanda
Km Bhai
Activist Tea Seller
Dr. Harshita Sharma
Founder, Brainstorm International
Sachi Maniar
Founder, Ashiyana
Anshu Gupta
Founder, Goonj
Arun Wakhlu
Founder, Pragati Leadership
Roopal Shah
Dean's Special Adviser, Ahmedabad University
Anar Patel
Founder, Craftroots; Serial Entrepreneur
Sanjay Rai
Secretary, Harijan Sevak Sangh
Poonam Nayyar
Founder, Prayas
Kekul Vikas
Founder, Millennium School
Bansi Raja
Chief Happiness Officer, Gozoop
Manas Rath
Founder, Leap Cities
Smita Navare
Founder, Drishti Foundation
Parag Shah
Chairman, Fountainhead Schools
Prakhar Bhartiya
Co-Founder, Indian School of Democracy
Hemakshi Meghani
Co-Founder, Indian School of Democracy
Jayesh Patel
Gandhi Ashram Trustee, Invisible Pollinator :)
Nipun Mehta
Founder, ServiceSpace
We look forward to coming together in "hands, head, heart" field to nurture the Law of Love!
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