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Touching HeARTs Through Art, Dance & Music Subscribe Now

Music, Art, and dance of different cultures serve as tools for people to define and express themselves and their cultures. They have the capacity to act as a universal language thereby encouraging people to come closer and understand each other by communicating through these forms. This issue is dedicated to all those HeARTists, Musicians, and Dancers who brought this world closer by their sincere acts of love and kindness. --Vaishali Bhayani

The Making and Being of a Musician

Music is the food for the soul. A musician's journey is a metaphor for life itself and can hold so many valuable lessons. Experiential wisdom earned through different life experiences can touch the lives of many. Trace the notes and contours of a life lived fully through this rich conversation presented here Read Full Story »

The Dancing Doctor

'Let us Dance Together' is Dr. Cohens one-line message to the world. Having experienced a deep connection with her body and its capacity to self-heal through dance, she is committed to transforming medicine by bringing body awareness, conscious movement, and embodied presence to patients, caregivers, and medical providers. Read Full Story »

How music brings us together?

Did you know that endorphins produced while singing brings people together and creates a sense of group identity? The three types of music i.e. rhythmic, non-rhythmic, or white noise, all have different effects on the human brain. Read on to learn more about how rhythm in music promotes behaviours that are linked to social cohesion. Read Full Story »

Psssst ...

Videographer Ellie Walton flew to Liberia to film a documentary highlighting the beauty and strengths of the children of the “Hope for the Deaf” School. She collaborated with other artists and the children to create this beautiful music video in less than a week and a zero-dollar budget. Enjoy this gift!

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Gandhi And The Law Of Love

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