Updates from the Moved By Love family | January 2016
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Moved by Love from Surat to Mumbai to Pune

Audrey shares the incredible journey on the road from Surat to Bombay to Pune interspersed with planned and unplanned gatherings, circles and deep sharing. A journey of endless acts of kindness and gratitude from friends and strangers alike.
Every Wednesday, over 80 homes are transformed into a place of worship as hosts welcome friends to join in an Awakin Circle. Last month 45 hosts gathered for an Awakin hosts retreat in Pune. Reflecting on their journeys, sharing stories and questions, the hosts became part of each others journey.
From small beginnings, the spirit of giftivism is blossoming within the Surat Community. What started with just an intention, saw 45 beautiful people came together for a one and half day retreat . During those 36 hours one act of generosity overflowed into another creating bonds of love.

'Kalyan Mitra in Rajkot'

This retreat was beautifully co-created by all the participants. Exploring the meaning of kalyan mitra (noble friend), the participants shared stories of kindness received from strangers; engaged in acts of kindness towards each other and the surrounding and left with their hearts filled with love and joy.

'NGO Retreat: A journey from head to heart'

Many questions and edges were held and explored in the recent NGO retreat. Shifting from a lens of outer transformation to inner transformation, many leaders found themselves returning home — to the values they originally committed to when they entered the sector.
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Get Local
Seva Cafe: Volunteer or visit the Gift Economy restaurant in Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Pune and Mumbai. RSVP.

Awakin Gatherings: Several groups sit for an hour of meditation in cities across India. Join them here.

Moved By Love Retreat: Join us for the next 3-day gathering.

Maitri Tunes: Sheetal Sanghvi shares a song rooted in values with the eco-system. Click here to sign up.
To hear about local events in your city, email us at dosti@movedbylove.org

Photos: Some group photos and videos from the many circles, retreats and gatherings we had in the last month.

Merry Christmas:  Vada-pav and a DJ - is what Ashiyana kids demanded for Christmas. The volunteers obeyed the orders and what followed was a fun-filled celebration. Join the cheer in the photos.
"Gratitude is the heart's memory" French Proverb