Updates from the Moved By Love family | September 2015
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Samatva, Mamatva, Ekatva

35 individuals from across the world gathered at the ESI Retreat Centre in Sughad, for yet another Head, Hearts, Hands retreat. The theme that emerged was of Samatva, Mamatva and Ekatva. More here!  
The Khojis, from the Swaraj University in Udaipur visited the Moved By Love Eco-system in Ahmedabad. Stories from conversations and circles flowed. Read about it on this link.
Kishan shares a story about a lesson in compassion. Something he learnt from Meghna's 4-year-old daughter. The Story of the Ant!.

'A Woman called Reva'

Trupti shares a beautiful story about a colleague from her non-profit in Mumbai. But more than a colleague, she ended up being a sister, a care-giver and a source of inspiration and joy in a city that can otherwise be intimidating. 

'The Highs and Lows of Volunteering'

Our friend from across the globe, and editor of this Newsletter shares her insights from Angola. Often, service isn't about riding the highs, but also weathering the lows.
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Get Local
Seva Cafe: Volunteer or visit the Gift Economy restaurant in Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Pune and Mumbai. RSVP.

Awakin Gatherings: Several groups sit for an hour of meditation in cities across India. Join them here.

Moved By Love Retreat: Join us for the next 3 day gathering.

Maitri Tunes: Sheetal Sanghvi shares a song rooted in values with the eco-system. Click here to sign up.
To hear about local events in your city, email us at dosti@movedbylove.org

Param Sameepay: We visit the past, all the way back to March 2012, when 15 souls set out on a walk, that ended up sowing the seeds for Moved By Love. Madhu, shares a video montage from the pilgrimage.

Stories of Humility: All the way from our friends in the US, stories from a talk at a Jain Convention in Atlanta.
"Courage isn't the absence of fear, but a triumph over it" Nelson Mandela