Dinesh And Harshida
This week's Maitri Tunes is a Gujarati prayer of deep aspiration offered with love by the keepers of the "Wednesdays" flame at the home affectionately known as the Kindness Temple in Santa Clara.
"We can do no great things, only small things with great love"
One of the many "small things", Dinesh uncle and Harshida aunty (aka CF dad and mom) do has been to host Awakin circles consistently every Wednesday for the last 17 years in their home.
Every Wednesday come 7 pm, their family home is transformed into an Ashram like environment with about 70 folks sitting in silence for an hour, followed by a circle of sharing and then an incredibly delicious home cooked meal for all who are present.
As Nipun shares: “My father tinkering with the sound system, my mother moving pots in the kitchen – it is all so very ordinary. But they have been hosting these sessions, every week for thirteen years, and that, is extraordinary.”
Of the thousands who have passed thru these doors, many like Madhu and Meghna were called to pay forward all the love they received from this space by offering these circles in their own home in Ahmedabad (which was specifically designed just to host these circles.)
Feeling so grateful to these beautiful beings, who just by their consistent offerings inspire ripple acts of generosity all over the world.
Some genies conspired to get a recording of uncle and aunty singing this week's Maitri Tunes.