Volunteer Role: 'Transcribing Stories of Generosity'

Wisdom Crafts: In July 2010, we launched a product line called Wisdom Crafts -- products without a price. Wisdom Crafts are value-based products that are offered on a gift-economy basis -- where there are no prices and it is upto the buyers to reflect the value of each product and pay what they are inspired to offer.

Transcribing Stories of Generosity
A lot of the artists are keen on sharing their gifts and experimenting a Trust model with their creations / products. What's most amazing is the intent with which they then make those gifts. Those stories are priceless and a key part of the entire process. We need a volunteer to document those stories and help us putting them online for people to read, especially when they are browsing through different gifts on the portal. It helps build a relationship through the process which is the essence of this experiment.

Details: Volunteers applying for this position must have attended at least 1 MBL retreat and served at least 2 MBL retreats and attended multiple Awakin circles across India. Writing and communication skills would be highly valuable here.

If you feel your background and interests are suitable for this role, please submit a volunteer application below.

Please list your education, professional experience and other skillset.

Spirit of Service

Moved by Love offers transformation driven service opportunities. We believe that while all of our actions create external impact, its greatest ripple is in the heart of the giver itself. In that context, we practice smalls of service in the spirit of our own inner transformation.

Here are few additional links that may inspire ...

5 Reasons to Serve

Living Service (Jayesh Patel)

If You Want to be a Rebel, be Kind (Pancho)

Reclaiming the Priceless (Pavi)

Spirit of Service (Nipun)

Experiments in Kindness (Audrey)

More coming soon!