Volunteer Role: 'Summary Scribe'

Monthly Calls: Moved By Love monthly calls are a great way for everyone to stay connected. These are 90 minute monthly check in calls that explore a wide range of themes - from learning about different Teams to MBL projects to behind the scene wisdoms to retreat ripples to Awakin experiences to volunteer aha moments and more.

Summary Scribe
Our call every week is recorded so that people who were not able to join the call live can also benefit from the pearls of wisdom shared on the call. This role will involve sharing highlights and key pointers shared by every caller and posting the final version on our feed.

Details: Volunteers applying for this position must have attended at least 1 MBL retreat, served at least 2 MBL retreats and participated in any of the MBL projects mentioned on the website. Good writing skills will be helpful for this position. This will responsibility will need around 1-2 hours of work every month

If you feel your background and interests are suitable for this role, please submit a volunteer application below.

Please list your education, professional experience and other skillset.

Spirit of Service

Moved by Love offers transformation driven service opportunities. We believe that while all of our actions create external impact, its greatest ripple is in the heart of the giver itself. In that context, we practice smalls of service in the spirit of our own inner transformation.

Here are few additional links that may inspire ...

5 Reasons to Serve

Living Service (Jayesh Patel)

If You Want to be a Rebel, be Kind (Pancho)

Reclaiming the Priceless (Pavi)

Spirit of Service (Nipun)

Experiments in Kindness (Audrey)

More coming soon!