Change Yourself, Change the World.
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Editor's Note: The law of love could be best learned through little children, said Gandhiji. From exploring the need of Compassion Quotient among educators to making a case for juvenile justice, this month’s newsletter brings together stories of planting seeds of compassion, kindness with children and creating spaces to practice these values. --Ashima and Shaalini

The Role of Compassion in Education

A lot happened under six hours at the Educators Retreat where 79 principals and teachers came together to explore how to cultivate compassion quotient in their hearts and schools. Moved deeply by the heartwarming stories shared by inspiring speakers, everyone left with ideas, take-away practices and several hugs.

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Awakin Kids Circle Emerges in Surat

All the flowers of tomorrow are the seeds of today. With an intention to nurture and plant these seeds, Manish hosted Awakin Kids in Surat. A mindful evening where children come together for meditation, storytelling, reflections, prayers and food.

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Karma Kitchen, Auroville

The love and the energy enveloped the guests as soon as they were welcomed by our little volunteers in their cute Karma Kitchen aprons. The magic could be felt from the start of day with the volunteers circle which continued to build up as more guests stayed back to volunteer!

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Psssst ...

Juvenile Crime and Juvenile Justice: "Hurt people, hurt people. Healed people, heal people."
In this moving TEDx talk, Sachi talks about her passion, her work with children's home, and why every child deserves a second chance.